Why fermented soy sauce is healthier than commingled soy sauce

By constructing system, soy sauce can be divided into fermented 酱油 and commingled soy sauce. utmost of the well- known soy sauce brands in the assiduity only produce brewed soy sauce, similar as Desly foods; because this is the most traditional way of making soy sauce, which also ensures the nutrition and flavor of soy sauce. Let’s take a look at these two categories of soy sauce.

Fermented Soy Sauce blog 10.24

Fermented Soy Sauce

Soy sauce was constructed thousands of times ago in China, where people in ancient times capitalized on the most arch conservative ferment system( double fermented soy sauce) to brewing soy sauce.

Old-style soybean sauce are generally manufactured by the turmoil of soybeans with roasted wheat. The turmoil is started by the addition of one or further fungus species from the Aspergillus rubric. The ferment time is generally as long as 6 months.
Soy sauce was latterly introduced to Japan, where the taste was fine-tuned from Chinese soy sauce, therefore giving rise to Japanese soy sauce.

A crucial difference is that Chinese soya sauce is set comprehensively from soybeans. This explains generally a tendency towards Chinese sauces to have a saltier taste and thicker, whereas the Japanese soya would generally be a little sweeter, taste rounder, The fermented soy sauce is fascinating. The fermented soy sauce is fascinating. After all, they’re being employed by the high nitrogen in soybeans to tremendously yield a variety of bounce-s digesting enzymes and significantly, as well as proteases (or proteolytic enzymes).

The consanguineous catalysts named “Proteases” that help break the lengthy chains of soybean protein bit into The natural catalysts named “Proteases” that help break the lengthy chains of soybean protein bit into the amino acids or into lower fractions ( peptides ) that are the proteins introductory structure blocks.

fermented soy sauce blog03

Blended Soybean Sauce

Is soy sauce brewed? Well, it’s not true to the blended soy sauce, Blended soy Sauces are setting Sauces with different rudiments, typically they are more sticky, sweeter, darker, and a little salty. During cuisine, the tastes Deepen and turn more complex. Many of the Sauces are given a fresh mushroom flavor while others are more thickened with Many the Sauces are given fresh mushroom flavor while others are more thickened with bounce.

Meat Cooking Tips 01

The difference between fermented soy sauce and amalgamated soy sauce

1、Amino acid nitrogen pointers are different

The advanced the content of amino acid nitrogen, the advanced the quality of soy sauce, the fresher the flavor will be, instigated soy sauce brewing process, under the action of different enzymes of colorful microorganisms, a variety of organic accouterments in the raw accouterments suffer complex biochemical responses, the conformation of a variety of soy sauce factors, high amino acid nitrogen content; and amalgamated soy sauce amino acid nitrogen content is lower.

2、Different degrees of nutrition

Fermented soy sauce is made of soybeans and defatted soybeans, soybean mess or soybean cutlet, wheat and bran as raw accoutrements , made by microbial turmoil with special color, aroma, and taste of liquid seasonings; according to the different turmoil processes are divided into two orders, videlicet high- swabs dilute instigated soy sauce and low- swab solid fermented soy sauce, to conclude, Fermented soy sauce is more nutritional.

3、Different raw material aroma

Fermented soy sauce is soybean and defatted soybeans, soybean meal or soybean cake, wheat and wheat flour as raw materials, after steaming, varroa bacterium curvature and mixed with brine into dilute mash, and then made by microbial fermentation of soy sauce.

Low-salt solid fermented soy sauce is made from soybeans and wheat bran, which is mixed with brine to form a solid mash after steaming and varroa production, and then fermented by microorganisms, while blended soy sauce is made by blending soy sauce with other ingredients, and fermented soy sauce has a strong soy sauce aroma, while blended soy sauce has soy sauce but no ester aroma.

Conclusion: Fermented soya sauce is healthier and more flavorful

Types and applications of soy sauce

Soy sauce can be said to be the soul of Chinese cuisine, and a spoonful of soy sauce can instantly make people taste delicious. How to use so much soy sauce on the market?

1. Light soy sauce

The word “shoyu” in soy sauce means extraction. It is made from soybeans or black beans and flour as the main raw materials, which are naturally exposed and fermented. The raw soy sauce is reddish-brown, has a salty and fresh taste, and has a strong soy flavor. Because of its light color, it is mostly used for seasoning. It is the best partner for home-cooked dishes or cold dishes.

2. Dark Soysauce

Dark soy sauce is a “sublimated version” of raw soy sauce. Caramel is added to the raw soy sauce. The thick-colored soy sauce made by a special process is tan and darker in color. It can add color to meat food. The ideal helper for the color and flavor of fragrant dishes. The dark soy sauce tastes salty and slightly sweet, and has a strong flavor. Especially when making braised dishes or stewing or stewing, add dark soy sauce appropriately to enhance the color and freshness. It should be noted that when cooking, in order to make the dishes look “good-looking”, you need to put the dark soy sauce early, but not too early, otherwise the nutritional value of the dark soy sauce will be reduced, and you must grasp the “degree”.

3. Regular soy sauce

The brewing process of ordinary soy sauce is similar to that of light soy sauce, and it is the standard type of soy sauce in most of the northern regions. Because northerners have a heavier taste, ordinary soy sauce is heavier in color, saltier, and more fragrant than light soy sauce, but it is slightly inferior to dark soy sauce. Therefore, ordinary soy sauce is between dark soy sauce and light soy sauce. a comprehensive soy sauce. It is suitable for burning, stewing and frying all kinds of northern dishes.

4. Steamed Fish Soy Sauce

Soy sauce for steamed fish is a kind of soy sauce usually used for steaming fish. It is made from raw soy sauce and then added with various seasonings such as dark soy sauce, rock sugar, Huadiao wine, etc., so it tastes better than ordinary soy sauce. The taste is delicious and sweet, and it can have a good freshening effect when paired with seafood, fresh river dishes and Guangdong’s rice rolls.

5. Soy sauce paste

The soy sauce paste is made from ordinary brewed soy sauce, added with salt, brown sugar, pepper and other seasonings, and processed after being refined. Because it contains a certain amount of starchy ingredients, it is thick like a paste, and its color is mostly brown-black, similar to oyster sauce. It is suitable for braised and stir-fried dishes, and can also be eaten directly with food as a dipping sauce.

6. Sauce Grandmaster Zero Added Soy Sauce

Sauce Grandmaster has zero added soy sauce, that is, it is not dark soy sauce with pigments, nor light soy sauce with MSG and freshness enhancers. A bottle of traditional good soy sauce must adopt the ancient pure brewing process without the use of additives. It contains the ancient secrets of coloring, freshening, deodorizing, neutralizing salty, sterilizing, and mellow sauce, allowing you to cook sincerely. Food, get more healthy satisfaction!

Ingredients: Soybeans (High Protein Non-GMO), Flour (Non-GMO), Refined Salt and Water

Usage: It is especially suitable for dry salad, stew, stew, brine, dipping, cooking fish and seafood, etc. It is nutritious and natural, delicious and healthy

Cold knowledge: the efficacy of soy sauce

1. Adding a certain amount of soy sauce when cooking food can increase the aroma of the food and make the color more beautiful, thereby increasing the appetite

2. The main raw material of soy sauce is soybean, soybean and its products are rich in selenium and other minerals and have an anti-cancer effect.

3. Soy sauce contains a variety of vitamins and minerals, which can reduce human cholesterol, reduce the incidence of cardiovascular disease, and reduce the damage of free radicals to the human body.

Anti-cancer effect Soy sauce is a liquid condiment with special color, aroma, and taste, which is made from soybean, wheat, or bran as raw materials and brewed through microbial fermentation and other procedures.

It has been reported that the low incidence of gastric cancer in Japan is because the Japanese love to eat soy sauce. Later, a research report by the University of Wisconsin in the United States confirmed this statement. Researchers fed mice nitrite, a carcinogen, and soy sauce at the same time, and found that the more soy sauce the mice ate, the lower the risk of stomach cancer.

Women in Asian countries have a lower incidence of breast cancer, while this type of malignancy is more common in the United States. Expert analysis may be related to the fact that Asian women consume 30-50 times more soy sauce than women in European and American countries and absorb more flavonoids. The growth of malignant tumors needs to rely on new blood vessels to transport nutrients, and isoflavones can prevent the formation of new blood vessels, thereby hindering the growth of cancer tumors.


“Desly Foods is the largest producer of healthy soy sauce products in China.”


Desly Foods is a professional condiment manufacturer in China with a long history. It is one of the “China Time-honored Brands” enterprises announced by the Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China. Its products cover soy sauce, oyster sauce, vinegar, seasoning sauce, chicken essence, monosodium glutamate, oil, small There are more than 200 specifications and varieties in eight series such as condiments.
Desly Foods soy sauce production base is located in “Foshan”, the birthplace of the most suitable soy sauce fermentation.

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