A Gluten-Free Diet Will Change Your Life

In the last decade, the demand for gluten-free products has increased, and they are increasingly found in stores. Products labeled “gluten free” or “gluten-free” are becoming more popular, bloggers are talking about the dangers of gluten, and fitness magazines are publishing gluten-free diets. Many people try to give up gluten without understanding why it is necessary. In this article, you will learn all about gluten and how a gluten-free diet can change your life in several different ways .

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Fitness Diet
What is Gluten, and Where Can it be Found?

Gluten is a group of plant proteins found in most grains, such as wheat, rye, and barley. Hidden gluten can even be found in soy sauce. It is gluten that gives the flour dough an elastic and airy texture. Whole-grain foods that contain gluten tend to be very nutritious as they are high in valuable fibers, vitamins, and minerals.

Many studies show that whole grains help reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure, and prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system.

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Why is Gluten Dangerous?

Initially, a diet based on the rejection of gluten and products containing it was exclusively curative. It was recommended for patients with celiac disease, a disease in which gluten affects the intestines. While this problem was previously known to very few people, now celiac disease occurs in one person out of every 150 worldwide.

The gluten-free diet was developed by doctors for those people whose immune systems reacted violently to the presence of gluten in food. Lifelong avoidance of wheat, barley and rye literally saves lives with such a diagnosis.

In addition to celiac disease, gluten can be dangerous for another reason: it is very common to be allergic (or hypersensitive). You can determine it in yourself by a sharp weight loss, anemia, chronic stool disorders. Usually, after eating bread, a person experiences flatulence, abdominal discomfort. This is not fatal, but it causes a lot of anxiety and inconvenience.

Who should follow a gluten-free diet? Some Health Benefits

Of course, this is the choice for people with celiac disease, with some skin diseases, for example, Dühring’s herpetiform dermatitis. In addition to them, such a diet is recommended for hypersensitivity of the immune system to gluten or allergies to it, for autism, Asperger’s syndrome. Allergies are becoming more common, so many people need to avoid gluten for medical reasons.

Indeed, gluten-free food often leads to:

Better digestion and a flatter stomach
One of the harmful effects of gluten on the body is directed to the permeability of the intestinal wall, as a result of which the absorption of nutrients is no longer optimal. By reducing or completely eliminating gluten, you can ensure that your body absorbs nutrients better and thus avoid various health problems associated with your diet.

Reduce the frequency of digestive disorders accompanied by abdominal pain, bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, etc.
In general, people who reduced or eliminated gluten from their eating habits saw an improvement in their digestive comfort. In addition, a properly functioning gut is a guarantee of a healthy intestinal microflora, which is closely linked to the immune system (the microbiota makes up 70% of the effectiveness of our immune system). 

Helps in weight loss
Adherents of the gluten-free diet promise that, thanks to the exclusion of cereals from the diet, you can lose up to 3 kg per week, cleanse yourself of toxins, and normalize the functioning of the entire digestive tract. 

Moreover, people who follow this diet say they feel better and successfully lose weight. Some celebrities have said that they lost weight with the help of a gluten-free diet. But still, one rejection of gluten is not enough to effectively lose those extra pounds.

Remember: You can lose weight on this diet, but you need to exclude not only gluten but also fat, oil, fried foods, bacon, alcohol, sugar and “simple” carbohydrates. And these recommendations apply to any weight loss diet, no matter what it is based on.

Improves Sleep
A large number of people who are sensitive to the effects of gluten agree that after stopping the intake of gluten-containing foods, their sleep has become deeper and better. Thus, in addition to optimizing nutrition and improving physical fitness, a gluten-free diet allows you to enjoy better quality sleep. 

Beneficial for overall health
Switching to gluten-free foods will improve your overall health and fitness. For this reason, many athletes exclude this protein from their plates.

As you know, cereals contain sugar, which is desirable to control constantly. Limiting or eliminating gluten grains allows you to consume less sugar daily, which is already good for your health. Some other benefits are: strengthening the immune system.

  • resistance to inflammation, migraine and joint pain
  • a burst of energy and vitality
  • getting rid of depression
  • improve skin texture and complexion
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List of allowed products

Rice, legumes, corn, potatoes, soybeans, buckwheat, millet, amaranth, nuts, meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheeses, and fruits – this is incomplete, but the main list of ingredients on the basis of which a gluten-free menu is compiled. Today, there are special gluten-free flours on the market, so if you want, the issue of a gluten-free menu is completely under control.

You may be surprised to know that gluten is found not only in flour products but also in ready-made sauces, ice cream, chocolates, pancakes, cookies, and alcohol.

Can you use soy sauce while on a gluten-free diet?

Pure soybeans do not contain gluten, but nearly every regular soy sauce you find on supermarket shelves and in restaurants contains wheat. For gluten-free soy sauce, you’ll need tamari, a richer, slightly thicker soy sauce made in the traditional wheat-free way. Be sure to buy soy sauce from one of the various gluten-free brands, some of which are certified gluten-free. 

Good news for gluten-intolerant soy sauce lovers: Desly Foods  Soy Sauce is also available in a gluten-free version – 酱门宗师. Our 无麸质酱油 can be used in place of our other sauces. Because it’s just as versatile and delicious as the classic version. People without food intolerance also like it very much, so from now on, you can refuse to use two sauces.

It is made, like our classic soy sauce, by natural fermentation. With an improved recipe, our 无麸质酱油 is not only gluten-free but also suitable for halal cooking. Muslims can, without hesitation, use it for food: cook with it, season their dishes with it and improve their taste. 

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Gluten-Free Honey Soy Chicken: A Recipe You Must Try


  • 2 chicken breasts
  • Salt (to taste)
  • Pepper (to taste) 
  • 50g plain gluten-free flour (you can also use rice or corn flour)
  • 2 cloves garlic (minced)
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp gluten-free soy sauce
  • 1 tbsp white wine vinegar (you can also use cider vinegar)
  • 100ml clear runny honey
Step by Step Instructions >> Click here to try
Let’s Sum Up

Eating gluten-free isn’t just about cutting out bread and bagels anymore – it’s a viable lifestyle choice! By giving up wheat, rye, barley, and other gluten-containing foods, you’ll find that your health improves in many ways. So, when combined with other healthy lifestyle changes, a gluten-free diet can change your life!

Picture of Dan


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